AK-Sen: Judge Rejects Dismissal


The judge in the criminal trial of Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) refused a defense motion on Thursday to dismiss the case against the Senator after the prosecution admitted that it had failed to provide Stevens’ lawyer with evidence that could have aided his defense.

We were on pins and needles waiting for this, because earlier in the day, it looked like the federal prosecutors may have crumbed the play. They better not be so sloppy from now on.

14 thoughts on “AK-Sen: Judge Rejects Dismissal”

  1. Sorry for the off topic post but I thought I would pass along the latest KSTP TV/ SUSA poll

    Bad News for Al Franken.

    Coleman 43

    Franken 33

    Barkley 19


    Franken actually comes in 3rd with Independent voters at 26%

  2. From the AP:

    U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan told lawyers that ending the trial after several days of testimony would be too drastic. Instead, he ordered the government to give stacks of previously undisclosed documents to the defense and called a recess until Monday.

    Stacks of evidence!?! Come on, this is just unbelievable and really is what I’d call a “malpractice moment”. Thank god the judge is on our side.

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